Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I went looking for Magic this morning to give her the liver pill that has her thyroid med in it. She was heading for a litterbox so I called her and she came to me. Guess she doesn't like to eat right before she potties. So I waited. She didn't take long but she thought I was "chasing" her to pick her up or something so she ran to my room. I flushed her out and then chased her downstairs. She finally stopped long enough for me to put her 'treat' in my hand and then she realized it was a good thing and ate it. I am lucky and glad she likes the disguised medicine, it is making this easy.

Snap's cage is getting hit with the garden hose right after I mow the lawn tonight. Man those ants are determined! I gotta get something to kill them good. In the meantime his cage is parked behind the couch on a snack tray. He liked it there last time.

Monday, August 27, 2007

New Outlook

Magic took her liver flavored pills all weekend like a good girl, no quibbles. I am very happy to see her eating them and not having to fight w/ her to take them. It's a start to getting her thyroid normal. She has to go back in a month to test her levels and see if it is too much med or not enough. Snap is living in my room now in his small cage. The pesky ants came back to bother his cage so looking for better real estate for him and cleaning his cage out again.

Also tonight, must tame the jungle! Time to mow.

Friday, August 24, 2007

This week

I have not been feeling my best this week and even today I am still ill. Through it all the cats have put up with me. Magic was so cute last night, curling up next to me while I was uncomfortable. I'd gone to bed at 7:30, and woke up just before 11. So I went down and fed the cats--they are usually fed at 9 p.m. Magic normally comes over to say hello to me after that. Like, thanks for feeding me. Last night, she just took the whole deal upstairs and slept with me like, hope you feel better tomorrow.

The poor dear, I still haven't gotten her meds. Tomorrow, no matter what I will so she can get the weight back on and feel better, too.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

My little girl

The vet called. Magic definitely has hyperthyroidism. We will treat her with a half pill 2x a day. The pill is in a chewable "cat friendly" form which I hope she likes. Otherwise we will just get regular tablets and stuff her 2x a day. With lots of love afterward, of course. I am glad we found out what is going on, I would be lost without her meows telling me she wants something or that something is amiss.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Macaroni was his name-o

I found out that Magic and Vincent like Macaroni 'n' Cheese. It was the Giant Eagle brand of 'thick and creamy'. Well I only used butter and the cheese packet on it cuz I thought my milk was bad. so it's not a milk thing. Frankie didn't eat more than a bite of his, but my other 2 babies went to town.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Well, I have no one to talk to, mainly because I am at work so, I have this blog to work with. Anyway, vet called and after I spent almost 200 Saturday I now must spend another 60 or 70 to pin down that it is a thyroid condition Magic has. That explains the heart murmur and weight loss, and it is treatable. Diagnosis could have been worse, she could have had a serious heart problem which costs upward of 400 dollars. Almost 300 is more than enough. I am running out of options to afford vet visits and in Oct will probably be working part-time again. As much as I hate to, I need the money worse than seeing family and friends or having free time. They say you shouldn't write things down right away, that you should wait a couple days, then do it. I just don't have any perspective right now.


So, after all the running around Saturday, I played with the cats yesterday, and my Nintendo DS. I unlocked 7 carts, a new driver and the mirror class on MarioKart. Also I decided it was time to wage war on the ants in the kitchen so put down an bunch of poison. Snap's cage got cleaned with the garden hose and is still drying out a little, he'll get back in it tonight. I have a spare cage for him.

So I decided to get ice cream and then head to my friend Ethel's. Alas, this was not to be. The car would not start so I could head home. I was stuck at Cold Stone Creamery. They have GREAT ice cream! I called Ethel and she and her neice, Kat, who lives there came and jump started me. Then we went to Walmart for a new battery. Then we went home to change out the battery which also involved a friend of Ethel's who came at the moment's notice. So NOT what any of us had planned for Sunday! I am happy I am able to get to work this week thanks to all of them. I can continue to feed the kitties' and bird's bellies.

As of this morning it looks like the ants fed good on the poison. Bye bye, itty bitty pests!